See-Through Oiltanks from L&L Choppers

One of the most succesfull products of L&L are their stainless oiltanks.

One day they started with only two sorts, one with a small diameter and one with a big.
But pretty soon people wanted oval oiltanks, tanks with ribs, oilbags with an integrated batterybox, tanks in Moon style and much more. L&L has all these tanks in stock now but that still does not seem enough.

Therefore they made a new one. An oiltank with see-through sides!
These oiltanks are also made from stainless steel and are available with one or two see-through sides. L&L oiltanks are of a high quality, designed and made in house and they come with a three point mounting system.

The L&L tanks will fit almost any project but if they don’t L&L can make them fit for you.
