Single Downtube Frames for Sportster Engines

attacKIT Single Downtube frame for SportsterL&L Choppers announces new frame in the attacKIT series!

L&L now offers a new, short model frame for Evo Sportster engines.

It’s a single downtube hardtail frame with a slightly larger neck angle.

attacKIT Single Downtube frame for Sportster

Due to the single downtube your chopper gets an even more classic appearance.

For all the rest the attacKIT concept remains the same like with the Bobber and/or Chopper edition.
Which means you can almost use every single part from your stock Evo Sportster to assemble a kick ass chopper.

That’s the way to keep the costs very low and give your Sporty a complete different look.

Call or mail for more info! +31 226 351955


Martin asked us to build a big fat bobber.
Our attacKIT guarantees once more a beautiful line and fat look of the entire bike.

attacKITL&L Springer fork , tank, seat, fender, handlebar, exhaust, forward controls, sprocketbrake and much more parts from L&L.

Would you like to have another ‘kit’, or have your dream bike build, please call and ask for the wide range of possibilities we offer.

Info: +31-226-351955

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