Retro Air Filter

Air-cleaners are available in all imaginable shapes and sizes. Performance, custom, chopper or traditional? L&L Choppers have ’em all and they will advise you about the right type of air-cleaner that suits your style of bike.
Not only they have a wide range of aftermarket parts, L&L Choppers also design parts that are not yet available on the custombike market.

Check out this unique air-cleaner, which is more Retro than one can handle!
It is a compact air-cleaner which unveils a lot of your V-twin engine.


Though, the size is sufficient to let your engine breath for optimum performance.

The casted matt-aluminium cover with retro-pattern will turn many heads and it certainly will look good on a old skool chopper.

Do you want it in black? Of course there are many possibilities. Contact L&L Choppers for info.

See-Through Oiltanks from L&L Choppers

One of the most succesfull products of L&L are their stainless oiltanks.

One day they started with only two sorts, one with a small diameter and one with a big.
But pretty soon people wanted oval oiltanks, tanks with ribs, oilbags with an integrated batterybox, tanks in Moon style and much more. L&L has all these tanks in stock now but that still does not seem enough.

Therefore they made a new one. An oiltank with see-through sides!
These oiltanks are also made from stainless steel and are available with one or two see-through sides. L&L oiltanks are of a high quality, designed and made in house and they come with a three point mounting system.

The L&L tanks will fit almost any project but if they don’t L&L can make them fit for you.

Stainless Steel Licenseplateholders

For years we have been handmaking strong simple metal licenseplateholders for our customers. Reason enough to take these items into production. We decided to make them from stainless this time because we can either sell them in high polished versions or in matt versions. Our stainless license plateholders don’t vibrate into several pieces and are as strong as our popular handmade holders were thanks to the smart contsruction.

They are also kept as small as possible. It’s bad enough that these plates are as big as they are, we don’t want to make them look bigger by adding extra material on the holders.  At the moment we have stainless licenseplateholders in stock, suitable for mounting the popular Stoplight and the clean Cone light. Both are rearlights we sell. Want to know what other products L&L designs and produces just for you? give us a call

Small gas tanks from Tokyo Thug

L&L sells Japanese chopper part from the Japanese Tokyo Thug label.

New are these 2 new extra small gas tanks for old skool and/or Frisco fans.
Japanese parts are verry expensive and hard to get, but we try hard to keep our prices as low as possible.

Tokyo Thug Slimbob Slimrib

The Slimrib tank with the cap on the side, Frisco tunnel and the petcock at the lowest point cost only 595,- Euro (sounds like a lot but it ain’t, go and see for yourself) and the the Slimbob, with the Friscotunnel and gascap on the highest point only for 495 Euro.

These are very special gastanks you’ll only find in the radical chopperscene of Japan.
If you want your chopper to look different…check these!


Single Downtube Frames for Sportster Engines

attacKIT Single Downtube frame for SportsterL&L Choppers announces new frame in the attacKIT series!

L&L now offers a new, short model frame for Evo Sportster engines.

It’s a single downtube hardtail frame with a slightly larger neck angle.

attacKIT Single Downtube frame for Sportster

Due to the single downtube your chopper gets an even more classic appearance.

For all the rest the attacKIT concept remains the same like with the Bobber and/or Chopper edition.
Which means you can almost use every single part from your stock Evo Sportster to assemble a kick ass chopper.

That’s the way to keep the costs very low and give your Sporty a complete different look.

Call or mail for more info! +31 226 351955